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Currency and cryptocurrency exchange office Zielona Góra - purchase and sale of currencies - euro dollar pound franc - your exchange office


Zielona Gora exchange office
Currency and cryptocurrency exchange office
Your Exchange Office

        Nasz kantor wymiany walut w Zielonej Górze powstał z myślą o wszystkich osobach zainteresowanych advantageous sale or purchase of foreign currencies. For over a dozen years, we have been offering the possibility of exchanging many popular currencies from around the world at very favorable, competitive prices. We provide the ability to negotiate prices. 

We invite you to our exchange office in Zielona Góra at al. Niepodległości 6 - next to the former "Nysa" cinema. Thanks to the convenient location in the very center, each customer can easily and quickly reach our headquarters from any part of the city. We guarantee friendly and professional service, as well as credibility and, above all, security of each transaction. At the customer's request, we provide a safe room for discreet service. We constantly verify information about the   currencies that we trade from all over the world, so that you can be sure that the currencies purchased from us are genuine and currently in circulation. Our office in Zielona Góra serves both business entities and individuals.

Currency Rates - Euro, Pound, Dollar...

        All purchase and sale prices of the currencies we trade are negotiable.
If you want to buy or sell currencies, please contact us by phone to determine the best exchange price for you at a given moment and to arrange the date of the transaction. Due to the high volatility on the currency market, you will receive the current - best buying or selling rate at the moment of exchange after contacting use by phone - at the telephone number
+48604189803 be at the counter in the office
Below you will find a list of the currencies we currently trade

Currency exchange exchange office Zielona Gora

In our exchange office you can buy or sell several of the world's most popular currencies,especially the euro. It is the common, official currency of the countries that form the so-called the euro area. It is the official currency of Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, France, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. What's more, this currency is also used in 11 countries and territories outside the European Union - i.e. in the Vatican, Monaco, San Marino, Andorra, Kosovo, Montenegro, as well as in French possessions far from Europe in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the British military bases in Cyprus. The euro is currently one of the most widely used currencies in the world next to the US dollar.

Online or traditional office? currency exchange office in Zielona Góra

The first currency exchange offices in Poland appeared only after 1989, as earlier the existence of such companies and institutions was simply inconsistent with the then applicable law. Poles quickly got used to the presence of exchange offices on the maps of both large (such as our exchange office in Zielona Góra) and smaller towns, and they willingly use this form of currency exchange. The popularity of this type of services has turned out to be so great that in recent years many online exchange offices have been created, allowing you to sell or buy currency via the www or through social exchange. 


   Online currency exchange offices have some advantages, but they have not succeeded (and probably will not succeed) in displacing traditional exchange offices from the market. Stationary exchange offices are more trusted by customers - you can exchange currency here with a "live person", not an online machine, and by the way, in case of questions, talk to dispel any doubts. Such exchange offices are usually located in very convenient locations - in city centers, shopping malls, in the market, near airports or train stations, etc., thanks to which reaching them and exchanging cash is quick and easy.

Many stationary exchange offices, such as our office in Zielona Góra, have been working for many years to earn the reputation and respect of their clients. Our several years of presence on the market is a guarantee of quality and professionalism. It is also worth remembering that when deciding on an online currency exchange office, it may be necessary to have a special currency account, which means an additional visit to a bank branch and also generates additional costs related to the fee for holding and maintaining currency accounts as well as bank commissions for deposits and withdrawals zlotys and foreign currencies from accounts, which we avoid using traditional - stationary exchange offices. if we need to exchange cash only from time to time (e.g. when going on vacation), a visit to a traditional exchange office will certainly be faster and do not require formalities. What's more, in a stationary exchange office you can always negotiate prices and in most cases you can negotiate a more favorable offer than in an online exchange office. The entire transaction takes place in front of the customer, which guarantees honesty and security, and we get cash instantly, without waiting for a bank transfer, which shortens the transaction time to a minimum.

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Your Office - Aleja Niepodległości 6, 65-048 Zielona Góra, phone +48 604189803

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